Absolute Trust CounselKirsten is the Founder and Managing Partner of Absolute Trust Counsel She earned her law degree cum laude from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law and a B. S. in Biology from the University of Michigan. While in law school, she was a member of the Thurston Society and managing editor of The Hastings Law Journal. A noted speaker on estate planning issues, Kirsten is a member of the Trust and Estates Section of the California State Bar, and the Estate Planning and Probate, Elder Law, and the Women’s Sections of the Contra Costa County Bar. She also serves on the Board of Directors of the Estate Planning Council Diablo Valley and is a member of the Robert G. McGrath Chapter of American Inns of Court. Address: 2890 N. Main Street Suite 206 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 Phone: 925.943.2740

Kirsten Howe Absolute Trust Counsel Disabled Elderly Financial Law San Francisco Bay & Walnut Creek California